I promised you sweet beading, and sweet beading you shall have...here are some pics of some jewelry I made...
first some little faeiries I made for some little friends of mine...they love playing with them and gathering all sorts of trinkets to make a fairyland...it's really sweet...:)

When turned over, they're little flowers...

Then some earrings I made

And a necklace my grandmother gave me, long ago...it's so pretty...

I had read an article about making your own lightbox, so I tried it...and failed miserably. All the photos had a sickish, golden tint. I think I need some special lighting for it, but when you're on a budget, you just go with what you have, and what I had right then was good ol' sunlight. Yes siree, no lightbox here, and it looks just fine to me. :)
The next time I post (hopefully tomorrow), I'll have some paper crafts for you, because I'm planning on getting adhesive by then. But one thing I know for sure - I will have REALLY exquisite jewelry for you tomorrow. A sneak peek of good things to come...:)

Aren't they just beautiful?
Have a wonderful day. :)
Yes they are beautiful, but I really love you spectacular tag booklet those hinges are brilliant, great job!